Year 7 students have enjoyed a fun-packed and educational residential visit to the Govilon centre in Wales.
We have been so impressed with the Year 7 students who have taken part in the Govilon residential this year, where we nurture and challenge our students, develop their independence, as well as their skills and attitudes in working with each other.
This trip contributes fundamentally to our ethos, and is really important for students’ social and personal development—opportunities for which have been sorely missed during the pandemic.
Students have learned so much, including
· personal organisation: having to ensure they have the right equipment and kit;
· punctuality: making sure that they are ready in the right place at the right time for different activities;
· rising to personal challenges: overcoming fears and making great achievements;
· learning to communicate and work as part of a team: supporting those who find activities daunting.
Our students have risen to the challenges successfully. It has been really rewarding to watch them grow in confidence over the weeks with such engagement and enthusiasm.
Behaviour on every Govilon trip has been excellent. During one trip, the manager of the gift shop at Big Pit Mining Museum made a point of stopping a member of staff to say how impressed she was with the politeness and behaviour of our students. The instructors at the centre were also very impressed with them responding to instructions and being ready on time to participate in a full day of activity. The kitchen staff were also really pleased that there was very little food waste (apart from the brussel sprouts!).
As a staff team, it’s been a real privilege to spend time with wonderful students, engaging in conversation and making some lifelong memories during our stay.
Year 7 students have been a real credit to themselves, to their parents and our school community, and we look forward to taking the final trip in a few weeks’ time.
Ely and Gloucester visit Govilon on 7th February to 11th February 2022. We wish them a wonderful experience!
Patsy Wilson Gemma Glue Caroline Gulla
Trip Leader Head of Year 7 Educational Trips Co-ordinator